Thank You

Aug 19, 2008 | 1 comments |
While I try to learn something new everyday in PM, I would like to thank all my well wishers who stopped by and commented on the blog. It is more than inspirational to have PM's take the time to read my blog and leave a comment and also have it feature in theirs.

Thank you once again to all of you.

(Next article on PM made easy)

So unreal

Aug 18, 2008 | 0 comments |

OMG! Elizabeth Harrin wrote about Stepping into PM in her famous blog A Girl's Guide to Managing Projects .

I read her blog almost everyday at lunch and guess what when I opened the blog today, I couldn't belive my eyes. It's like meeting your favorite movie star. This is amazing.

So, thank you Elizabeth, really.

What have you done recently to become a PM?

Aug 16, 2008 | 2 comments |
I decided to take my exam CAPM (Certified Associate of Project Management) on September 15.

I have been thinking of taking the exam since April and have finally decided to go for it no matter what. After being approved by PMI for the exam, I paid the fees ($300) and scheduled my exam.

Here is my list of the websites that I think is quite helpful in preparing for the exam:
If you are still thinking if this is the right path for you, read Choosing the right work may not be as complicated as you think. It's a great read for everyone thinking about the next course in your life.

If you would like to know more about PM- read one my favorite bloggers Elizabeth Harrin's extract from her new book.

Why blog?

Jul 13, 2008 | 5 comments |

I am an aspiring project manager.

When I was a kid, I wanted to become a teacher, novelist, professor, copywriter but I never dreamt of becoming a project manager. I had never heard about Project Management. How, I wish I did!

One thing lead to another and I stumbled upon this arena just by chance. I had completed my post graduation in Mass Communication and joined a small IT company in Chicago as a management trainee. While on one hand I got involved with marketing for the company, on the other providing a helping hand to the project side got me curious.
I never looked back again, few presentation and documentation later I switched to the IT department. Currently I work as a business analyst and part of the project management team and have had the opportunity to have some great mentors who trusted and inspired me.
So, why the blog? I have been reading blogs about project management for a while now; it was fascinating to see people sharing their knowledge. I have learnt so much from these blogs, that I am in debt to all these authors (If you see the blog list to your right, you will know what I mean).

However, most of the blogs don't advise you on how you can become a PM. Most of the bloggers are hugely successful Project Managers in their respective fields and sometimes talk about issues that might sound alien to most of us.

This blog, is my commitment to become a PM- to talk about my mistakes, my learning process and blog my journey with dollops of honest writings, scouting for some advises for me and everyone else who would like to be a PM.