My Twitter Mosiac

Mar 24, 2009 | 0 comments |

Get your twitter mosaic here.

Here's my mosiac of people following me and I follow back some of course. Thanks everyone.

Sites you should be at

Mar 18, 2009 | 1 comments |
If networking is in your mind, stop right here.

Alec Satin provides insight and sites that you should be- to connect and network and find invaluable suggestions that isn't in the books.

Sites you should have web presence in-
As you can see, I'm trying as well (feel free to connect with me at the given links)

Lets meet- virtually!

Steps to become a project manager

I'm listening to the PM Podcast and found the perfect one to write about here- How can I become a Project Manager?

The interview is with Thomas Cutting and gives junior project managers and the ones that wants to get into the profession amazing guidelines. You will want to listen to the podcast really, lots of information that you can implement and take a step forward in your career and find the right role. 

The podcast talks about how important it is to be involved in a project in just about any role to know what you are getting into. Joining in junior positions might be a good way to get your foot in the door. I started out as a management intern, then moved to become a project co-ordinator, a business analyst and gained experience in quality assurance and the core communication team. 

So, now that you are ready, how do you get you first project management role? 
  • Get certified- essential. I'm working for mine.
  • Network- lots of social websites these days; from linkedin to the latest social networking site for project managers like with me here)
  • Plan, position and perform- I think its very hard to take the first step in the dark and you have to. It is as important to not loose the focus while you are trapped in the job and this is one of the points discussed in the podcast.
  • Communication- this what a project management role is about, so keep practising.
  • Integrity- your character plays a role. So if you have a strong presence in the social media, please make sure that you are strongly aware of what you are publishing.
Learn more, develop your skills and ask your seniors