The Working Women's' Guide- A YouTube Series

This is a three part series on working women.

I have always personally believed that motivation and inspired living could be about a lot of things, it definitely is about the vibe at work. We spend so much of our time at work, that it does impact our confidence and mental health.

This series is inspired form multiple conversation with friends and is a very personal take. By no means I am an expert, however this is what I do.

So, if you are interested hop over to the Youtube space and watch it.

Part 1- A Working Women's Guide to Skincare
Part 2- A Working Women's Guide to Natural Office Makeup
Part 3- A working Women's guide to office Accessories (Bag, shoes, jewellery and miscellaneous)

The YouTube channel is all about Motivation, Inspired Living and Work-Life Balance

(Pic courtesy: Pexel)

Fav Reads

Oct 7, 2019 | | 0 comments |
October is here and yes there’s plenty if time to catch up on your readings.

Get yourself a cup of coffee and here are some of my fav reads:


  1. Top leadership sites if you are climbing up the chain orintent to  
  2. This is what every boss who  should read 
  3. Time Blocking and how Elon Musk uses it 
  4. Has interviews for internship made you feel uncomfortable oreven toxic? 
  5. More on productivity  and different ways to handle time management
  6. Why mentoring women can lead to more innovation 
  7. Talented people fail under pressure 
  8. 9 Mistakes of managers that make people quit  
  9. What you need to know as a first time manager  
  10. Free help, all you can get to run your business or life  
  11. What every parent needs, more time and better ways to manage it  
  12. Handling imposter syndrome  
  13. The virtual boyfriend  
  14. Becoming rich  
  15. Debunking 6 myths about Agile  

(Pic courtesy:

6 Steps to Hire Remote Workers in your Team

Oct 6, 2019 | 0 comments |
If you have read my last post on ways to communicate with remote co-workers or peers you will know that everything is doable even if you are not sitting across the person in a physical space. 

If you are starting on your own idea/business or working for a small start up, this could be helpful. working with someone who is in a different location has been there for a while but is picking up more on the trend as we have freelancers and entrepreneurs on the rise. 

Here’s a quick look at the five steps you might need:

1) Cast a wide net -You can advertise remote working jobs as you would any other position; place a listing on a job’s website and then go through the replies. In addition, you can also place a request on third-party websites that are designed to connect business owners to remote workers. 

2) Create a shortlist-After a few weeks, you should be able to compile a list of candidates for the position. Ideally, this list should be kept to three or four options, with a few backups you can return to if things don’t work out with your initial selection. 

3) Research each candidateMany third-party websites provide profiles and reviews of each candidate, so these are a must-read, but do additional research and verify any claims (particularly in regards to experience) wherever possible. If hiring independently, then check the references of your candidates. 

4) Conduct interviews-If everything looks good, invite your potential candidates to an interview over Skype or video chat. This gives you an opportunity to get to know them better and ask any specific questions you have about their prior experience.

5) Select your candidateMake an offer to the candidate that you feel is best suited to your business and agree a start date. It’s also worth contacting those who were unsuccessful, explaining your reason for the decision; if a candidate was particularly impressive, but just not the right fit at this time, ask if you can keep their details and get in touch in the future if a position becomes available. 

6) Provide training to your new recruit -Remote workers are hired based on their existing skills and experience, but you will still need to ensure they are thoroughly trained to work in your business. Find out more about e-learning by reading over the infographic below and then consider this option to help provide the assistance your first remote worker will require.

Infographic Design By Top eLearning Statistics

7) Look forward to a successful future-You’ve got the right person for the job, and now your business can benefit from the expertise your first remote worker will surely be able to provide. 

P.S - This is a partnered post. Thank you for reading.

Using Technology: Easy Communication with Remote Co-workers or Employees

Sep 30, 2019 | 0 comments |
The working world is forever changing, but it has probably changed more in the past twenty years than it has in most other periods of history. 

Thanks to the internet, people don’t have to physically be in a location to work (for some jobs at least); they can do it from wherever they happen to be. This is excellent if you’re an employer or a start up or hustling since you’re able to dip into the global talent pool, rather than simply being restricted to whoever is available nearby. But it can cause some issues. When you’re not face to face, there can be problems with closeness and productivity. 

Below, we take a look at a few ways you can make sure that everyone is on the same page. 

Setting Expectations

In a regular office environment, it’s usually easy for new employees to fall into step with the rhythm of the company. When there is no office environment, this is more difficult, and the co-worker/employee can’t be to blame if they’re on a different wavelength. You can keep everything running smoothly by clearly stating your expectations and the general company culture before the employee comes on board. They’ll know what’s expected of them, which will reduce confusion.

Regular Video Chats

You may not have the opportunity to hang out in the same city, but, thanks to technology, you can do the next best thing: host video meetings. It’s a good idea to host weekly meetings (or daily, depending on how much you need to talk) just to bring everyone together. It can be as much about bonding as about discussing the work. Make sure everyone’s got Skype or Google Hangouts, and find a time during the day that suits everyone (especially if they’re in a different time zone). 

Files Access

While you might not have a regular office, it’s important that you’re functioning as if you do. In a normal working environment, everyone can access the files and documents they need without delay. You too can have this, though it’ll need a little bit of work. For your regular files, you’ll probably be able to get away with cloud storage. For your bigger files (such as videos), it’ll be best to host them in a torrent file, which your staff will need a torrent downloader for Mac to access. As well as making all your files available online, you’ll need to remind your staff to upload the documents they’re working on too. This way, everyone in the organization can be kept up to date. 

Keep them Engaged

Traditional companies can have problems with staff engagement, so it’s normal that there can be problems with remote workers. To keep everyone on the same page, you’ll have to work extra hard to keep your team engaged. You can do this by paying them well, offering incentives, and making sure they know that they’re valued. You should make yourself available to chat should they need to, as well. 

Is there any tip you would like to share, don’t hesitate in leaving a comment below is something has worked for you. 

P.S - This is a partnered post.