What have you done recently to become a PM?

Aug 16, 2008 |
I decided to take my exam CAPM (Certified Associate of Project Management) on September 15.

I have been thinking of taking the exam since April and have finally decided to go for it no matter what. After being approved by PMI for the exam, I paid the fees ($300) and scheduled my exam.

Here is my list of the websites that I think is quite helpful in preparing for the exam:
If you are still thinking if this is the right path for you, read Choosing the right work may not be as complicated as you think. It's a great read for everyone thinking about the next course in your life.

If you would like to know more about PM- read one my favorite bloggers Elizabeth Harrin's extract from her new book.


Times Shall said...

Hi Soma,

Congratulations on your steps forward. Project Management is a wonderful field made up of people who truly care about things that many others have no clue even exist. (Come to think of it, perhaps that could be said of many fields.)

It sounds as if you have got things lined up for your exam. If you come up with any questions beforehand, please feel free to email me.

Best to you,
Alec Satin, PMP
Making Project Management Better

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Soma! Nice start. Feel free to go to LinkedIn and join PMBloggers if you have not already. Also to see another blog...visit http://scopecrepe.blogspot.com .