Rants, events, and trying to settle in

Mar 16, 2011 |
The last few weeks have been exhausting. For those of you who don’t know, I moved to India and there has been nothing but continuous running around trying to set up the new place and make it a home.

I couldn’t write for so many days, didn’t know what to write about and nothing seemed to fit in. Yesterday, I cut my own bangs/fringes- an impulsive decision which turned out pretty ok.

For the last one month, I have read, thought and socialized with people I know and people I don’t know; attended week long Indian weddings and while its nice to play dress up- couple of days later all I want is to sleep at home.

I haven't tweeted in like a century and most of my plans are behind schedule because I couldn’t say "no" to events, friends and to myself.

So, now  it’s "no" to everything- no more parties, no more weddings, no more entertaining friends at dinner with 7 course Indian menu.

I call it quits.

It's time to get back to what I like doing the most- project management.While I'm working on a couple of personal projects, it’s hard to explain to people why I blog. I don’t make any money out of it- I just keep on working at it. More time, more energy, more ideas- all gets poured into it including some from my pocket to keep the site running.

So, while I have few more guest posts to write and more things to do- I hope things will turn normal, boring and in schedule very soon.

Here are some of the reads to keep you busy till then: