Are you as busy as you think ?
You have to read the link above to read the rest of this post. Seriously.
When you can’t say “No” to more work or always say “NO” to friends or life- think again. What is your gain? What are you missing?
Being busy is our own ways of feeling important because we have forgotten how to handle spare time- Time where you have nothing on your agenda, no lists, no reminders, no TV.
I have tried it for a while and it feel great. The point is to not have enough in your plate so you are free, the goal is to have enough that you are comfortable with and still not be crazy busy all the time.
Have a life .
If you are into projects and think that isn’t possible think again. Here are few ways to have a life with work:
- Take a breather when you need it- When you are too overworked and not well rested you can slow down your brain . It can just be a lunch away from work and stress, a stroll when the weather’s good, a few minutes laughing with your friend over coffee. You pick your remedy, being on the go 24/7 can only result in a burn out pretty early.
- Look at balanced personalities- I enjoy getting emails from my mentor’s saying they will be unavailable via phone or emails for few days. It’s nice to know inspite of their wonderful careers they also take breaks. Read how successful people pace their life.
- Watch this TED video - of Stefan Sagmeister
- Exercise to be more productive- Its not me saying because I really want much of a believer till recently. Listen to Richard Branson.
- Don’t judge yourself too garishly or not- Enjoy your time and know its ok to be laid back once in a while. “ According to Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson in a recent article in Psychology Today, "The Trouble with Bright Girls," women "judge our own abilities not only more harshly, but fundamentally differently, than men do." When young girls perform well, they are often praised in terms of innate abilities — for being "smart" or "clever" — and so they internalize a sense that their abilities are fixed and unchangeable. Boys are often praised for their efforts — for working hard, or for trying again and again — and so they learn that effort, not ability, is what's important. The result is that girls feel confident until they're faced with a setback, whereas boys' confidence persists even in the face of setbacks.”- HBR
Try living your life without goals, it can be more fun than you think.
Take small steps to enjoy your life and get off your busy addiction. Stop trying to forcefully connect your existence to your job or work. There is more to life than you think, so it’s very important that you look for a role that will keep you happy.
To start with take a work from home or a day off just to enjoy yourself for a day.
(Pic Courtesy: self)
To learn more about project management read my book Stepping into Project Management (Welcome to the #PMOT World). To connect with experienced Project Manager's from all over the world, get mentored or shadow for a day see the SIPM Community.
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