Digital Detox

Over communication can be a kill, so once in a while detox helps. How often you do its up to you.

I do one when:
  • I am stressed about messages all over the place that I am expected to read and reply to immediately ( for work or otherwise)
  • I need some quiet time for myself
  • I want to re-invent me
  • I don't feel happy or focused

5 simple ways to detox:
  • Phone- If you cannot switch off your phone, don’t connect to the WiFi. Your phone would work but you can stop checking your social media.  
  • Online Status- You can let everyone know you will be offline for a week, which would clear off the expectations
  • It’s difficult- Everyone is constantly staring at their phone which also means it would be rather difficult to break the habit. So, if you are not the do in moderation kind, switch off your phone completely or take a vacation and go offline. You will be okay after a day or two.
  • Upload later- If you need to share pics or updates, wait for the detox time period and then go for it. Don’t break the detox. 
  • Why it helps- It will help you rejuvenate and relax, a much needed requirement for a project manager.  You will come back from the detox with a new perspective and a better focus.
(Pic courtesy: Pinterest)