You can watch the video here:
Small Changes- Big Impact
You can watch the video here:
Staying Positive When going Through Change (Personal or Professional)
In this video, I try to talk about it and provide tips on how you can ease into the process and turn it into a positive event.
If you like what you see, feel free to like and subscribe to my channel.
if you like to read more about positive change, click here.
Finding your Zone: What you Need to Learn from Winners

- Have a routine
- Repeat the routine during the same time everyday (till it becomes natural and just repeating it puts me in the mood- to relax or write or feel positive)
- For me sound, visuals and smell work great- I use songs, sometimes visual boards (my office has one) and perfume (I have set perfumes for days when I am not quite myself to make me be myself)
(Pic courtesy: Pinterest)
Getting off the Grid- You can save yourself

- The honeymoon stage: Euphoric feeling if excitement, enthusiasm, challenges and pride on getting a new job. Dysfunctional processes include the depletion of energy reserves in coping and adapting to the new environment.
- The full throttle stage: Going full swing leads to a depletion of resources. Other symptoms include dissatisfaction, sleep disturbances, overeating, drinking or smoking.
- The chronic symptom stage: Development of chronic symptoms like physical illness, anger and depression.
- The crisis stage: Persistence of symptoms leads to disease, chronic backache, headache, high BP, insomnia, etc., would develop.
- Hitting the wall stage: No person can continue under strain for too long and one may reach the end of one's professional career. Burnout stress syndrome takes over.
- The opposite: Rust our stress syndrome occurs under extreme hypo stress. This is likely to occur when the gap between one’ capabilities and environmental demands becomes too wide.
- Move- there’s no alternative to moving your body and keeping it healthy. Don’t worry if you don’t have a gym or a park nearby- just walk during lunch. If you can’t take longer breaks form life or work, try in small increments. I started using my office gym because once I landed home, I never had the time. I try walking around in office, taking stairs and a quick walk during lunch for like 10 minutes. They all add up and it helps- your mood and health
- Meals- Try limiting takeout food, eating cookies or chips for lunch isn’t a good idea. Plan ahead, make a salad or a stir fry and just take it with you. Try a smoothie. What you put in your body matters, instead of a fizzy drink try coconut water. And this isn’t some words just typed in because I liked my burgers and fizzy drinks- it de-stressed me... till I figured out how much sugar I was putting in my body and zero nutrition for nothing. Eat healthy and once in a while indulge in your fav food.
- Take Breaks- don’t sit at a stretch for hours at work, I am guilty of it too, I am trying to change. Use a reminder, apps, alarm- anything that works for you, but take a break. Your eyes and body will thank you for it. Take breaks as in vacation, even if it means you are just sitting at home reading a good book.
- Stop Being Guilty- prioritize yourself. It’s okay to not finish that painting by the weekend, your well being matters the most. Instead just go out and play, the weathers on your side now.
- Create a Routine to Relax- unwind every day, end of day. When you work around the same routine every day, it gives the cue to your brain, it’s time to get to bed now or sleep. So, the first step of your routine will often get you relaxed like getting in your pj’s.
Digital Detox

- I am stressed about messages all over the place that I am expected to read and reply to immediately ( for work or otherwise)
- I need some quiet time for myself
- I want to re-invent me
- I don't feel happy or focused
- Phone- If you cannot switch off your phone, don’t connect to the WiFi. Your phone would work but you can stop checking your social media.
- Online Status- You can let everyone know you will be offline for a week, which would clear off the expectations
- It’s difficult- Everyone is constantly staring at their phone which also means it would be rather difficult to break the habit. So, if you are not the do in moderation kind, switch off your phone completely or take a vacation and go offline. You will be okay after a day or two.
- Upload later- If you need to share pics or updates, wait for the detox time period and then go for it. Don’t break the detox.
- Why it helps- It will help you rejuvenate and relax, a much needed requirement for a project manager. You will come back from the detox with a new perspective and a better focus.
10 Ways to Bring Back Productivity in your Life

- Stop Waiting- It’s never going to be perfect time for anything. So, stop waiting to ask for a raise, to try a new project, a blog, a hobby, launch of a new idea. Start it today and the thrill and positivity of starting something new to bring in the momentum you have been waiting
- Create Routines- start creating routines that allow you to be positive or creative. It’s more like a mental cue that it’s your time now to be the best. Start your routine with a cup of tea or in silence or read good books whatever allows you to relax and focus. A positive happy start can be created even among difficult of times and this will allow you to work better.
- Stop Over Communicating- You don't have to reply to every Facebook post, or whats app chats, say no from joining multiple groups that stress you out or just put them on mute. You don't have to read how successful and happy the whole world is while you trying to sort your life out. We talk so much about the right amount of communication in projects but no one says, how to limit them in your real life. You will be more happy and focused when you stop over communicating and can handle the pressure to.
- Say No- It’s important to find yourself to be productive, so say a no to a group of friends who don’t add any value to your being, a lunch invitation when you would rather go for the walk, a drink after work or weekend brunch. Spend time where you find value, not others.
- Create Lists- its helps when you write it down, use apps, pen and paper whatever allows you to create the list. Use lists as much as possible and it not only allows remembering items; it’s also a great feeling when you check them off.
- Create a Positivity Diary- A notebook, diary, and scrapbook whatever suits your soul. Try writing positive thoughts, quotes, store pictures, magazine cut outs anything that makes you feel great. Sometimes during the days when things aren’t in the right place, this is a great place to revisit and out your thoughts in place.
- Have Me Time- Always, no matter how busy you are. I try it to wrap up my day with my time. You can use it whenever you want- mornings, during lunch break, weekends.... plan it your way, read a journal you have wanted to read for a while, whip up a new dish, order some new books, be mindless and enjoy the rain. Relaxing allows you to sustain your pace of work and focus.
- It’s okay to Fail- Don’t focus on failing even before you start. We all have bad days even when everything was planned. Don’t think about what happens if I start a blog and no one reads, what if I take an initiative and its turned down, what if I don’t get the raise. You will be surprised at how many times; all it takes is to ask.
- Take Breaks- Taking breaks is always recommended it keep the
focus on your work. Use the Pomodoro technique or just take breaks- go for
walks, get a cup of tea, use the stairs, 30 minutes in your office gym and then
get back to work. If possible plan a vacation.You will be amazed at how much more you can do when you are
fresh and feeling great.
- Be You- If you are trying to fake it till you make it that’s great. However, always be you because no one is you and that’s your power. Don’t be afraid to ask a question, raise a point or participate in a discussion. Being you is sometimes freeing specially when its appreciated.

Keeping up with the Pace
I set up too many things for me and sometimes just cant keep up with the pace. It's not the time, its the motivation that slows down the run.
My outlook towards this year has mostly been to be happy and be healthy. And with my birthday coming up in April- that's my gift to myself. As simple as it sounds, its very challenging for me.
I ended up thinking and reviewing everything about my life. I have cleaned up my personal database of negativity to an extent and will override the rest with a shot of positivity. Or at least that's what I think.
I have always been a visual person. Like I like reading books than hearing it.
So, for the last one month I have been tinkering with this idea of creating my own set of motivation cards. Here's what I did:
- Browsed through Pinterest and downloaded the one's I liked the most
- I got them printed in simple basic format as you would any snaps
- I have a set of 12, I have plans to keep adding to them
- I keep them at my desk at home.
- It works.
5 Years- that’s how long it took
- Every week I add something new to my routine
- I have friends now in the gym
- I do eat home cooked meal the entire weekday
- I eat more fruits and veggies
- I juice veggies once a in a while
- I create motivation cards
- I don’t focus on loosing weight, so I don’t use a weighing machine.
- I just work out everyday

- Personal inspiration and struggles to make it in the professional world, even if it’s not project management.
- I would like to listen if you have had a mentor who has changed your life
- I would like to know if you have connected with someone using the SIPM platform
- How has your determination paved your own destiny
- Questions on career, growth, job changes, hurdles, mentorship.
- Connect you/suggest someone can help you along the way
- Your full name
- Profession
- Location
- What you would like me to LISTEN about/Your story
- Your LinkedIn/blog/twitter link (optional)
- Month you would prefer to connect(Feb-April)
- Point of contact’s name
- Name of Organization you represent
- Location
- Website
- Your email
- Phone
- Category of Service
- Details of service
- Charges (if any)
Pre- New Year Resolution Post

- Remember it on time- I don’t want to think of my goal throughout the day. I only think of it at a specific time of the day, when I will be working on it. And I decided on the time based on my availability (I need to be free and nothing else should come up).
- Give ample time to yourself- I have a window of 2 hours within which I have to get it done everyday. Telling myself I have to do it at 6 pm might not work, just in case I can’t make it at 6 and then my mind automatically pushes it till tomorrow. The 2 hour window helps and I haven’t missed a day.
- Do it everyday- I can do something every day, it’s easier for me than doing it on alternate days. Once you have the habit formed, you can decide which days you want to do it. I didn't want to leave much fodder for my mood that day- I knew I just had to do it everyday no matter what.
- Don’t think much- I really don’t and this has been working. Instead of thinking about doing the new task, I just go ahead and do it.
- Enjoy the rewards- I don’t buy myself a gift because I have been keeping my goal, I simply focus on the feel good factor after getting it done. And I repeat it the next day again. That allows me to focus on the goal and not anything else. keeping the resolution is my reward.
- Use the 80-20 rule- Don’t allow yourself to think slipping a day is okay- its not. However, once in a while just do something you would like to do and still continue with your new habit. Don’t skip it. That allows you the freedom to have fun but also work on your schedule. Like you can have a cheese cake but still exercise.
- Don’t share publicly- There are lots of studies that say, sharing your goal/resolution/new habit with your friends, makes you more accountable and that leads to lesser chances of failures. Doesn't work. I tried, I shared and hey I failed over and over again. So, I don’t believe in the disclosure and it’s the feel good factor that will keep you going.
- Feel the changing environment- Truth be told, one new habit can change a lot more. I have one goal and the feel good factor of keeping it makes me happy. So I work on the other areas too that extend and doubles up my feel good factor and I use it back to pursue my goal. My life is more organized and I am definitely happier. I still have only one resolution.
- Give yourself a head start- Don’t wait till January to begin, give yourself a head start and start from December. By the time its new year, you have already created a habit and maintaining your new resolution will be much easier. Cheers to that!
5 ways to get your team to adhere to the incoming change
Change is good. Change is difficult. Change leads to more change.

Here are few ways to get it done:
- Provide enough information to stop the panic-If you already know the road map share it with your team, so no one is in panic mode and work continues. Make sure you answer questions, share your vision and keep them engaged during the change.
- Communicate often- Talk to them on what’s bothering them, look for honest feedback, listen to their needs and keep the communication open. Set up a communication plan with your team- a meeting once a week or an email update that goes out on Friday 5 pm.
- Naysayers- Keep them in the communication loop. It’s easy to spread discontentment and negative word around much faster, so make sure you know what’s going on at the water cooler.
- Mind your Body language- You don’t want to be the manager who says something and believes in something else. Before you go out on an information sharing crusade make sure you know what you are talking about and know it well to filed any questions coming your way.
- Acceptance- If you want your team to accept the change, make sure you create an environment that allows them to stay positive and get all the right information at the right time.
(Pic Courtesy: Google images)
To learn more about project management, read my book Stepping into Project Management (Welcome to the #PMOT World). To connect with experienced Project Manager's from all over the world, get mentored or shadow for a day see the SIPM Community.
De-clutter your professional life
- Tackle one problem at a time- Take one step every day. It’s much easier to handle one problem than trying solving it all.
- Believe in your talents- Stop doubting yourself by surrounding yourself with people who actually believe in you. Be positive, smile and laugh, watch comedies and get out get there and get it done.
- Stop defending yourself - This reminds me how worried I was one day at work because I was scheduled for a tough task which I didn't believe I could do well. I was a nervous wreck.While I walked up and down, my friend from the neighboring cubicle chipped in- "do you see yourself doing this particular task the rest of your life?" "No", I said. "What are you worrying for? I realized he just gave me a million dollar solution. I calmed down and went about the task and as it turns out did pretty well. Sometimes the simplest solution is to stop defending yourself.
- No gossips at work- Try to maintain a cordial relationship with everyone, being friendly doesn't mean gossiping away. Click here to find ways you can out an end to gossiping. Beware of the information that you share with others, it can backfire against you. Here's how you can turn gossips into something useful.
- Maintain your professional self- Ethics is important at work. Being a professional will keep you in good faith and will be called upon for opinions, suggestions and sometimes bigger projects.
- Dress well - Clean lines, appropriate dress and the right blend of colors will get you the attention and be taken seriously as someone interested in climbing up the ladder.
- Aim higher- Ever heard of having big hairy audacious goals? Keep one for each quarter and work on it.
- Celebrate your success – Enjoy your moment, however small with your friends, family and team.
- Keep learning – Everyday should be a new chapter- make a new friend, help someone out, go out jogging, visit an art exhibition, earn a new skill.
To learn more about project management and know how to get into the domain, read my book Stepping into Project Management (Welcome to the #PMOT World). To connect with experienced Project Manager's from all over the world, get mentored or shadow for a day see the SIPM Community
Day 3: Being scared is ok
A Project Manager Outside Office

April has been a month of change for me.
Things are always crazy, however I decided to take it on- all challenges, my shortcomings, plans and the enthusiasm to do something more.
I decided to incorporate a lot of new things in my life. With so much in my plan platter, I decided to let everything stop for a day.
I think the hardest job is to prioritize and get things done one after the other. I enjoy doing them all but keeping a tab of the list is time consuming.
My schedule has to be something that I enjoy doing. So while I work around it, I’m trying to pick up on the vibes. I have given up on processed food and meat in the last month (includes bread). So, it takes time to get my meals ready, however am glad I did it. It’s something I have done for me!
I’m working on getting my 40 minutes of exercise (cardio, yoga, light weights) everyday, the treadmill looks dusty and I need to get back at it. I’m trying out the time and getting in at least 10 minutes of meditation into the regular schedule. I want to be more calm when I handle pressure and deadlines.
It’s hard to keep promises and maintain the level of energy in a stressed out ambience that we are so becoming used to. I have my flaws and fall off the wagon but I do get up and get on it easily.
A paper clipping in my purse from Les Brown says- "When life knocks you down, try to land up on your back. If you can look up, you can get up."
Instead of trying to check off my done chores and treat them as one, all I want is to enjoy what I am doing- be conscious of it. This is the life I wanted- to be super busy and now when I have it- I haven’t smelled a rose in the last one month. Everything has become a job, a to-do that needs to be get over with.
I want fresh flowers this summer, peace, happiness and gratefulness that I'm doing what I wanted to do.
(Picture: Google Images)