- Till you can’t get out of bed anymore
- Till you feel so uninspired, you don’t know what to do
- Till you don’t find meaning in your work
- Till you are careless
- Till there’s no ambition
- Till you can’t push through the day anymore
Stop, take a break and introspect.
You can take 2 months off or realize sometimes doing a better job means not doing your job at all.
48% of Americans experienced increased stress over the past 5 years. So, if you are invested heavily in your work life, it also means we have to take measures to sustain it equally well. That can only mean considering vacations https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/4-scientific-reasons-why-vacation-is-awesome-for-you.html so you can enjoy your job.
In your regular work life, find out what triggers your stress the most- is it your co-worker, the commute, the inability to grow in your job and then come up with a plan and figure it out. Being able to be happy in your job could prevent the burn out at the every start and then follow it up with vacations and positive work environment, creating your hyggae at work etc.
If you are looking for great tips to bring in the balance in your life, try these:
- Ariana Huffingtons book- "The Sleep Revolution" and the website that allows you to find out articles about the balance and keeping you happy.
- If you need to sort out your finances, try this out
- If you need to sort out your life, look no further than Vishesh Lakhani’s – "Code of the Extraordinary Mind".
- See what your interests are and ensure you can keep it up at an extent even in your very busy life that brings in some peace. Meet similar minds by joining meetup.com
- Physical movement is equally important to stop the burn out, try couple of times a week to start with
- Learn through lots of free resources on the web and boost your career.
- Find a mentor and ask for suggestion on how they handle it. Observe in your own organization or read up on what’s the best thing to do.

Being successful and being able to achieve your goal, also means taking care of yourself and your thought process.
(Pic courtesy: Google Images)