July | Article Round Up

What you read, is what your interests are and I can clearly see from my reading list. 

I have tried to categorise them better this time around, so let me know if this is something that you guys are enjoying as well. 

  1. All about Goal Setting
  2. 10 Steps to Achieve any Goal
  3. 4 Tips to achieve your goals (Ted talks)
  4. Your career best effort ( again from one of my newly found blogger James Clear)

  1. Brene Brown's Digital Library
  2. Books to read if you are suffering from Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Challenges:

  1. To know that you can actually do what you put your mind to, the writer tells it all how he photographed the Royal wedding.

  1. Spotify's health check model
  2. Levels of Agile Maturity 
  3. Success by being Agile

Working Moms:
  1. Kids of working moms turn into happy adults
  2. 6 Women share their return to work stories after maternity leave

I couldn't really find a category for it and I am generally interested in a lot of stuff when I read, here are some of the selected reads I thought might be interesting to this blogs audience.
  1. Why you can focus more in coffee shops than open plan offices
  2.  What the experiment of employees working 4 days a week found out
  3. open plan offices reduce face to face communications
  4. why liberal arts and humanities is as important as engineering
  5. New York Stock Exchange gets it first women chief 
  6. Only 25% of workforce is female in India 
  7. Lauren Powell and her story of inventing her brand
  8. 6 Pillars of Creativity
  9. When a stress expert and author battles mental illness 
  10. Surprising facts of why Women CEO's don't expect much support at home or work.
My favourite tweet for this month:

If you enjoyed this, you might want to look at the Article Round up for June.