Organizing wardrobes

Sep 29, 2009 | 2 comments |
Project management is so related to organized behavior and efficiency, I just did it unknowingly- yep, in my apartment!

Far away from work, where it shouldn't have mattered, I decided to color co-ordinate my wardrobe and see if it would make me happier in the mornings, because it would be easier to dress. I always crave some color in the mornings, now instead of browsing through the clothes, I can see them at one glance- the color the style, the collar and the stripes.

It's simple- color and style co-ordination done to keep my worries limited and hopefully make my day. Will it work? I hope so, haven't moved to my apartment yet completely, but the wardrobes arranged and the couch scheduled to deliver.Should be in by the end of the week!

As I came back to my old place with boxes scattered all over I had to think-is this how you become a project manager, so attuned to perfection that it comes automatically to you? Or is it self cultivated that turns even the relaxed and the lazy to the conscious being?

Organized behavior is all you want!

Does being happy make you a better project manager?

Sep 24, 2009 | | 1 comments |
What do you think?

When do you work your best? The day you are happy and the day's sunny and breezy or simply run down?

Thats what I thought, so did these articles:

If you need more tips on how to be happy at your work and in life, read this The Happiness Project

(Pic Courtesy: Google Images)

Searching for apartments

Sep 15, 2009 | 0 comments |
So, here I'm trying to set up with all things necessary- apartment, phone, internet- one long checklist. While i look for an aparment near my office, here are some of my favorite readings you can browse:


Sep 6, 2009 | 1 comments |
By the time you read this- perhaps Monday morning, I'll be travelling accross continents.

So, the next post will come later part of the week after I have my internet connection set up. So, till I struggle with overweight luggage and move things around trying to balance it- enjoy your week ahead.

(Pic Courtesy:Google Images)

Where's your mentor?

I have written about mentoring before and I think its one of the most important things to focus on while you are trying to find a ground for yourself in the professional world.

I read Alec's post the other day and thought would share it with you as well. Here are links related to mentoring I have written before: