What does a PM actually do?

Nov 2, 2008 | 1 comments |
The last week was crazy, we had a deliverable for a project and days seemed much longer than usual. The deadline meant, more quality assurance, last minute check lists and keeping the team calmer.

I have found my strengths in the last few months and had some tough time with my weaknesses. To have any sucessful project , team handling is required. As easy it may sound, it was more than tough. A team has different kinds of people (read personality) which is great, but here's what I found-

Group A- Team players, who are more likely to like the people they work with and have affinity for their job. Easier for the PM to handle. They abide by the rules and have a clear vision, polite and professional in most cases- they are a PM's dream come true of a perfect team.

Group B- The loners, they like working on their own and having control. A nightmare to handle and if they have the added syndrome which says- if you are not a developer (or hard core technical), what do you do actually. You can loose some sleep over it, its hard trying to get the person understand, because he/she doesnt want to understand.

I personally think, its a common problem and just because I don't code and not in my 40's (or 30's) and I'm a woman doesnt mean I am stupid. I make mistakes, learn and grow with them and treat people with lot of respect and not merely resources who have a list of deliverables to follow. I think its basically hard for people to understand what a PM is about and why the person is in charge?

I had my share of bad days. When the Group B person likes the idea of the project being organized and easy to work and yet will not thank you for anything. Instead, it's the almighty mood that has the drivers seat. Very hard to work with. I had my days, when a 5 minute meeting ended up with me taking another 15 minutes pacing up and down; so that I could stay cool and not loose my temper. Who says being a PM is easy?

I have had people telling me; its wonderful that you want to become a PM because the pay's really good and its easy- after all its the team that does the work. Ok, so what am I getting paid for if I am not working? Most people are far behind in understanding what the PM really does and how it helps? May be I didnt understand a lot about it, till I wanted to be one and started working towards it.

It's (being a PM) more work that it shows. So, every PM should perhaps educate a few more about what the person does and why it's important? If you think it's easy, trying being one even if it's just for a day. How about that?

(Picture: Google images)

PMI Global Congress

Oct 26, 2008 | 0 comments |
The PMI Global Congress just got over and if you are curious on what happened at Denver- here's the insiders take on it. To read about the New Media Council of PMI, click here.

While you enjoy the video and the blog, I am going to leave it here for today.
The weather's perfect, so I am just going to curl up in my couch with some good reads, a cup of hot chocolate and listen to Kenny G- saxophone (my latest buy) for a good old Sunday.
(Picture: Google Images)

Ever Heard About Documentation?

Documentation may refer to the process of providing evidence ("to document something") or to the communicable material used to provide such documentation.

One of the first few basics that you need to learn. You don’t have to be Shakespeare or his sister for that matter to write the documents, however a good writing skill is necessary.

How do you document?
-Every document has a requirement (why you need to document?)
-Understand the requirement very well.
-Read the materials/files given carefully. Ask for help if you need directions and are doing it for the first time. I remember when I joined work; my first deliverable was a power point presentation of a client requirement. My mentor 1 (remember?) made sure I understood it and took the time graciously to chalk out the flow in pencil and paper. I delivered it by evening and was approved with a nod and a smile.
-Analyze and plan your document well before you start writing.
-Ask for samples if available to get a better idea (some companies have templates or you can research it over the web)
-Keep your thoughts calm and organized and just focus on your writing.
-Read through when you feel stuck.
-Everybody has their first day at work or documentation, so don’t panic you will get ample help.

What do you document?
- It could be about anything, here are a few possibilities:
-Meeting minutes
-Analysis documents
-Change request
-Version management
-Statement of work
-Software requirement specifications
-Closing document

You and documentation

Once you get the hang of it, it’s not that hard. It might get a bit boring, so invent yourself and the document. Find ways to make it interesting, so your readers don’t fall asleep as well while reading it. Use your creativity when allowed within your company policy.

I remember in school, we had a project about a hypothetical corporation and we had to write the entire business strategy and communication details in the project, it also included the employee manual and we were given enough freedom to use our creativity. So, I created the manual and along with other the last page of the binder had audio CD attached to it. The CD contained a few relaxation and meditation music and I mentioned in bold letters- “We at the XYZ Corporation want you to enjoy your work. So, here’s a CD, please enjoy the music and relax when everything else seems crazy. Thank you for working with us!” It got me an A, just because reading the manual was “very interesting”.

Documentation it is!

(Picture: Google Courtesy)

Guest Blogger at pmstudent

Oct 23, 2008 | | 0 comments |
gThe other day I received an email from Josh Nankivel from pmstudent to become a guest blogger.

I love writing blogs, however to cope with 3-4 posting a week is not very easy. I try to be consistent. So, when Josh emailed me I wasn't really sure if I can pull off a few more for his blog. I was thrilled to get his invitation nevertheless! Who wouldnt.

Since he was so nice about it, I accepted it happily. He just made it sound so easy. So, I could write a new posting for him or simply post any article from my blog . Thats being super nice!

So, I posted my first article and you can read it here. Its an article from my blog, however I intend to post a new one every month along with an existing article on pmstudent.

So, till then happy blogging!

(Picture:Google Images)

Intellectual PM- call for papers

Oct 21, 2008 | 0 comments |
The third UT Dallas Project Management Symposium will be held onAugust 13-14, 2009 at the University of Texas at Dallas and they have asked for papers.

So, if you are the intellectually inclined one, here are the topics. If you are a to-be-PM, its always a great experience to tag along someone who will be writing the paper. The abstracts are required by February 6, 2009, so you have ample time to prepare.

Writing anyone?
(Picture: Google Images)

Who's your best friend?

Oct 20, 2008 | 1 comments |
At work I mean.

If you are a to-be-PM, be careful about selecting your best friend at work. In most cases it allows people (includes bosses) to understand you better by watching the type of people you hang out with. If you are seen with the trouble maker at work, it is assumed in most cases that you might not be the right person to be trusted with any confidential information.

Employees with the right company have chances of getting the best options when it comes to work.

Choose the right person and find ways to learn from the best. Try to let your immediate boss or PM know about your aims and ambitions; that you would be willing to take some extra work and learn the ropes. Everyone loves a hard working employee with the right attitude.
(Picture:Google Images)

Blogging Secrets

Oct 14, 2008 | 0 comments |
I have been blogging for sometime now and I have friends who are interested in blogging and more so since they see mine doing so well. So, I thought why not post it right here, for my friends and for everyone who might want to know a little more about the blogs and how you can do it.

All about blogging:

What- What do you want to blog about? What’s your story? Find what you are interested in and start writing. You have to really enjoy it, to post 3-4 times a week.
Where- It’s free. I use Google's blogspot to write; it’s simple and all you need to do is register.
Who- Anyone can blog, all your have to do is register. You can write about anything, keep it personal or make it public.
How- You simply type in your content and publish. You don’t need to know programming or have any technical knowledge to do so.

How to reach your audience - When you write about a specific subject, getting the right audience is easier. It also helps you to network, find people with similar interest and even learn better in the process. If you are as lucky as I have been, you get some amazing tips and encouragement from the experienced lot. You can always track your readers with Google Analytics, the country they visit from and number of visits etc.

To read more about the benefits of blogging professionally, see this and this.