A Guide: Stepping into Project Management (welcome to the
#PMOT circle), the upcoming e-book is almost ready, getting it’s finishing
I always knew it would mean a lot of work to get it done; however
I might have underestimated the hours it would take me to get there. So, the
date is August.
I still have the cover page pending, last minute touches and
editing is in full flow. I have deleted more while editing than writing and
turns out it does take a while to get the hang of it.
So, what should you expect in the coming months?
- E-book Publication-A step by step guide to get into your dream role of a Project Manager.
- English isn't your first language-Like the blog, this E-book is in simple working English, no jargon's, straight communication that allows newbies and fresh graduates from all over the world to understand what is required to get into Project Management.
- Expert Comments- Project Managers, Coaches and Trainers share their secrets in getting into the industry.
- Price-Keeping the newbies in mind, the e-book can be downloaded at a very reasonable $2.99 (Download will be available in pdf format). Payments through Paypal. All you have to do is click a button and you don’t need to have a Paypal account to buy the book.
- Free Google Hangout 30 minute session- On September 2 (Sunday): How to find your #PMOT mentor. The time will be announced later in the blog and via twitter. This interactive session is open to 8 people only based on first come, first serve basis. Please email me at steppingintopm@gmail.com to reserve your seat with the subject line: Reserve me for “How to find your #PMOT mentor. This is open to all, irrespective of the fact whether you have bought my book or not. The reservations start today.
- Next Session- This will be announced in August, after the book publication. This session is only for people who have bought the book. Your full name and email id will be required to make your reservation for the session. Details of the session will be announced in the blog and in the e-book. Stay tuned.
- New Hashtag Introduced- Called #SIPM, this hashtag has been introduced to enable you to follow all updates from the book, sessions and posts in the blog.
- Giveaway- Two E-Books will be given away in August (for free) through the blog. Stay tuned for announcements.
- Reviews- If you have a Project Management blog and would like to review the book, please ask me for a free copy. Email me with your blog URL with the subject line: SIPM Book review
Have questions, want to advertise in the book or just want to say hello- email me or find me at twitter at @Soma_b
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