Working in a Global Setting- I

Have you worked with a globally placed team ?

If you are getting into it, there are certain things you might want to consider:
  • Time zone difference is the most important thing to consider
  • Culture needs to be treated as a bonding factor
  • Accents and language barriers can be solved
  • Work ethics should be synched
  • Communication will keep the team together
  • Work will happen on how you manage all of the above
So, why hear it from me? Having worked closely with two cultures- Indian (by birth) and American (Masters degree and later work) I have survived and made some lifelong friends on the way from both the worlds through my work. Being globally placed is awesome.

Part II of this post coming soon.

(Picture Courtesy: Google Images)

What mentor-ing can teach you?

When I started mentoring a few newly joined individuals in my office, I always remembered and thought about my mentors and what they have taught me. I’ve been incredibly lucky to have some amazing mentors who have helped me groom as a professional and an individual.

Mentoring is hard. You are trying to impart lessons of a lifetime to them. I make sure they have good work ethics with a good heart; that helping each other is important. More I work with them, more I figure out about myself.

What you learn from your mentees:

Your ability to bring out the best in them- By helping them do so, you work on your patience, your teaching skills and analyzing your own mistakes that you should work on to become a better mentor.
Teaching skills- As they say, if you can’t help a 10 year old understand a concept you don’t know it yourself. True to the core! Now you know how much you know.
The basics of being a professional- If you tell someone to be honest and be true to your work and be inquisitive; you will have to show them yourselves in your job. Or what you teach is just for the sake of teaching; they won’t follow it because they see you not doing it.
They will observe what you don’t teach- I always did and I know they do too. The best teachings are those which are not taught and the mentees simply pick them up by being in your proximity. Your bad habits too. So beware.

We all want one of those perfectly curious and patient mentees who are easier to teach, who pick up skills easily, are smart and witty and want to learn. When you don’t have a perfect one, remember how perfect a mentor you can be is what will determine their learning curve.

So what if they are not perfect, you can be.

(Picture: Google images)

Have you joined PM groups yet?

Have you? If not, you are missing out on a lot of information.

Being part of groups help you find treasure bags, you didnt even know about. Join the project management community where ever possible and of course keep a track of them. Jot the links in a notepad or word document and once in a while go browse.

Here's what I found from the linkedin group today:

Now, you know why you should join groups!

If you are not giving certifications yet and just trying to figure out what the PM stuff is all about, this is a good chance for you to try them out and see. You will get an idea at least.

Why wait? Browse the site and thank the author.

Steppingintopm is back

Jun 1, 2009 | | 0 comments |

I’m back and thank you for visiting my blog!

If you have noticed, my blog has a registered domain name now- . Hurray! I wanted to celebrate my one year of blogging (June 13) so after much deliberation I got myself a domain. Of course with the new domain, my hard earned page rank of 3 went poof.

Nope, I didn’t take a vacation from work; I was here all the time working and reading blogs, sites and New York Times like always. I did spend some time with my family, enjoyed with my sister who visited for 10 days from London, watched movies, went shopping and finally have my new schedule working for me. Yes, I am exercising every morning. It was about time!

The break seemed great and I spent as much as possible offline trying out new ideas, going for walks and enjoying the rain.

Here are some links you can visit, while I get ready with my regular posts:

(Picture: google images)

Are you feeling down today?

Have you heard the news once again or taken a cold shoulder from your best buddy? Your boss doesn’t like you anymore and you are at the receiving end of all wraths from your team members?

Stop. Breathe. Calm down.

We all have our downtime, whether we talk about it or not. Life in the world of project management or otherwise is not sans emotions infact it’s loaded with it.

Learn to tackle negativity-

  • Let go- stop criticizing yourself because someone said you are not good enough
  • Quit- not your job, but the forces that drag you behind
  • Laugh- with your friends over pop corn and a funny movie
  • Identify- the problem and see if you can tackle it better
  • Evolve- to a positive person
  • Read- happiness blogs
  • Create- a positive environment
  • Never- give up
  • Awaken- to your life’s purpose and go ahead and do it
  • Realize- downtime will come and how you handle is what your future will be
I'll be taking a break to smell the flowers and enjoy life and will be back with more to blog from June. Till then stay happy and happy project management everyone!

(Picture: google images)