News in the PM town

Lots of things happening in the PM world these are some updates:
(Pic Courtesy: Google Images)

    PM PDU's Giveaway

    This weekend was special, while I roamed the downtown in Chicago looking at museums (Chicago Art Museum and Science and Industry Museum), I figured that sometimes it’s important to take the initiative to do something that you have wanted to do forever. 

    So, I ate some ice cream and read up some pending print outs stacked on my coffee table finally.
    Here are something’s you can do:

    •If you have been planning to buy a project management book, keep your eyes open and follow some blogs. Most blogs have giveaways these days and you have the chance to get the book at no expense of yours. Try this one here.
    •Want to upgrade yourself, participate in free seminars that happen all year and get some much required information. Some are even mailed to you later, so you can watch is at your pace. Sign up and get upgraded. Try this for more information
    •Don’t have the time to upgrade or network, too busy with family and friends- get a phone that allows you to download these applications like linkedin, twitter etc. You can stay in touch while in the move and chances of getting your ROI are very likely.
    •Sick of hearing everyone telling you to get a mentor, it really helps. I have one, so get yours as well. Try SIPM  and get your mentor in your domain. 
    Need PDU’s and looking for more options; here’s one.  PM- Podcast is giving away 20.5 PDU’s by simply listening to it. More information available here . Email me (steppingintopm at with subject saying- I want the podcast. I will announce the winner on the 10 of next month.

    Have a great Monday!

    Leadership- why should you be listened to?

    Aug 16, 2010 | | 0 comments |
    If you were looking for random facts about me Pt1, here it is

    Last week I watched few youtube videos and this post is from one I found from Ramcharan leadership lectures:

    •Develop your viewpoint
    •Don’t sugar coat
    •Nothing energizes anybody more than success
    •Help the person in your team cross the hurdle
    •Willingness to take risk

    Leadership is essential in projects and life; why others should accept your point of view is another.Know what you are doing, do your homework before you speak, use data if possible from your projects, reference's etc, build trust and respect your team.

    There’s another giveaway coming up this Friday, so gear up everybody!

    Want to have fun and learn more from real life Project Managers, check out here.

    Random facts about me- Pt 2

    This is personal, so if you are looking for reviews, PM updates or anything else, you might skip this post.

    I always talk/interact through my blog and yet there are times when I read my post and think how much of it am I really doing?

    I do most of it, except a few:
    •I am not a good networker
    •I don’t go to meet ups, PMI groups or randomly meet people over coffee- though I really really want to
    •I am shy most of the time- I wish I could call up people and say- care to meet me for a blog interview and sushi/coffee/pasta?
    •I have analyzed my behaviors- not sure if it’s a culmination of not liking to driving long miles or fear of getting judged.
    •I dream big, have done it all my life- but I fall short when it comes to implementing it.
    •Sometimes I am not as consistent as I want to be (read trips to gym). It’s a joke now that if I am half as consistent as I am in blogging here, I will achieve any goal.
    •Sometimes I know what I have to do but I won’t do it. I procrastinate (in personal goals). 
    •I don’t envy people usually, however sometimes I feel I had those qualities as they do.

    So, I have set 3 new goals for me during this blogging break:
    •By next year (Dec 31, 2011) I will double my annual income (honestly, I love the idea more than thinking and hard work involved in actually implementing it). 
    •I will start working on my first e-book and schedule it- so I don’t have an excuse to miss it anymore
    •I will call up people and meet even if I feel like a coward (so, if you are someone from Chicago- I would love to meet you, if you are not I can still call/skype you. Here’s my LinkedIn id as well , just incase you want to know a little more about before you meet me and yes please add me)

    Since we are talking all about what I have done in the last 10 days, here’s some more:
    •I changed the name of this blog, it still is called Stepping into Project Management, I removed the “newbies diary” from it and replaced with “the journey continues”. One of the reasons is doing that is I am not a newbie any more but I started out as one and I understand how it is. So, this blog is more about continuing my journey in the world of project management now and sharing it with you.
    •If you haven’t noticed the SIPM has updates too, there’s a new forum to talk, share and brainstorm ideas with the SIPM community. Anyone can read, to comment you have to be registered and you can do it here for free

    Want to have fun and learn more from real life Project Managers, check out here.

    You are more than your job

    Aug 10, 2010 | 2 comments |
    Which translates:  you are not defined and limited by your job responsibilities.

    You are more than what you are chained to do with your job.  You or your personal brand is not a myth any more, your worth is all about what you have to offer. 

    The elevator speech rules have changed, you don’t say anymore what your job position is with a xyz company- you say what you are and who you are (that is not your job description anymore).

    Most people while working decide to start on their own business, some like Steve Pavlina talks about how one should never get a job  because it limits you. It’s very true, because jobs allow us to become complacent and not push ourselves anymore. By the time, we have been in jobs more than 5 years, we have changed, don’t have the fire in us what we had when we started and have come to an agreement with ourselves that we will let others (boss, organizations, future job titles, corner office) run us; than us running our own lives.

    While job has its benefits, don’t let the job title be your only motivation factor, because there is more to you than you know. A job is the stability we have asked for perhaps, but its not the end all.

    Don’t let your dream die just because your job says so. Infact having multiple skills might come in handy someday, so if you like to dance take classes and keep on doing it. Don’t give up because it doesn’t help your career in project management or you can’t do it professionally any more.

    Happiness and inner peace is always an integral factor in life and in finding meaning to life and vocation. Choose to be happy, choose to do what you like to do along with your job description.

    Look out for more, listen more, interact with interesting people, see how people are changing their lives everyday. 

    Don’t be complacent, just because you are a newbie (or whatever your role is) today, doesn’t mean you will be one for the rest of your life. Start getting ready now for the next position you are aiming at. So, when you are ready, you will be more prepared to look around and get that position and tell people that it’s time.

    The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets from it but what he becomes by it- Ruskin.

    Unlike the picture here, I would think get the salary, job title and whatever comes with it but at the same time make sure you are still walking the path of your dream! If you are not, find a way to do it- be creative! Contact great minds or people whom you like to follow through twitter, see what they have to say, find similar groups or go to meet ups.

    The winner of PM-Prepcast is Jeremiah Jessel (will contact you with details).
    For the rest of you thank you for participating and better luck next time!

    (Pic Courtesy)

    Will be back on August 10

    Jul 23, 2010 | 0 comments |
    Taking a few weeks off from blogging to enjoy the summer and brainstorm new ideas.

    I'll see you back here on August 10 and announce the lucky winner of the PM-Prepcast.

    Giveaway- worth $99.97

    Jul 21, 2010 | 0 comments |
    I am giving away one PM Prepcast worth $99.97. Send me an email (see email info on the right panel of the blog) and include "I want the PM Prepcast" in the subject line. Thats it.

    You can email me within July 31, the winner will be announced in August.

    To read more about the product, read my post here.

    If you would like to spread a word about SIPM to your friends would be much appreciated.

    What makes you happy PM's?

    This post is not about project management.

    This is about happiness, so this Monday you are ready for the week and smiling!

    So, I asked you What makes you happy PM's? Other than meeting deadlines...a good book n coffee/movie/ close grp brunch/sunday newspaper makes me smile.

    Yes, it does.

    The job, blogging, keeping up with my reading list, SIPM all keeps me busy and to the point that sometimes I don’t feel very inspired in my everyday life. When things just become items in my schedule and happiness seems far away, I try something new to bring it back.

    Talking to the people I respect and being sincere about the problems I am facing I think automatically brings in a new perspective for me, calling up my friends and talking silly and nothing about project management is relaxing, going out for a walk and enjoying it, listening to good music, having a chocolate or a cup of tea and a good book that inspires is nice. I also like visiting grocery stores for inspiration to whip up a new dish or go completely crazy and color my hair a brownish red.

    I always don’t plan out everything when I take a break; I think randomness brings out a different side to everyone.

    Enough of what I do, what makes you happy? Here is what does for Elizabeth Harrin.

    To read more about happiness, try this and this.

    PM Prepcast- why should you take it?

    Its unusual, effective and loaded with information that can be used for and beyond exams.

    It’s the PM Prepcast I am talking about and I think the concept is superb. Cornelius has brought in the perfect combination of audio and video to make sure the every single point is communicated.

    The prepcast consists of episode lists that can be downloaded to your computer and syched with your ipod. It’s a great resource to understand everything you need to know about exams (both CAPM and PMP by PMI) including what happens if you don’t make it in your first attempt, how you should retest etc.

    Each lesson/podcast is around 25 minutes which comes with very clear and to the point graphics done in a way that helps you understand, remember and sort of reaffirms the audio. By using the dual methods you can remember them easily without having to get back to the podcast over and over again.

    Who can use the podcast?

    Certification takers- if you are planning to take your PMP or CAPM its perfect for you. The podcast fits your purse and goal and is a great way to start your preparation. Listen to the tips he has to share on how to use the resource and get through the exam. By the way, he also sends lessons and reminds you through email.

    Newbies in project management- A great way to zoom ahead of the other newbies. By listening to these podcast you not only understand project management better but your are aware of the much needed terminology and the intricacies.

    Interview preparation for project management- if you are lining for an interview next week or getting ready for a job search, this podcast will make it a little easier for you. You can brush on the PMBOK knowledge along with other skills and stay head in the game by downloading some free flash cards.

    Take your next step- interview help

    Looking for a job? Wake up this Monday to update your resume and get some amazing tips from the experts.

    Browse these links below for some resume tips:

    To nail your next interview in project management, try these great links whether its your first project management job or you are a seasoned project manager trying to get to your next job I can only hope these links are helpful :

    Good Luck!

    Looking towards taking the next step in your career and want to try Project Management, learn from the seasoned PM's here for no charge.