Virtual Project Manager

With virtual workers increasing everyday, it’s a no more a myth how you can be productive, free and still earn good money.

If Tim Ferris turned the concept into a complete rage, with technological advances its not considered weird anymore if you are constantly on the move with your gadgets.

So, are you the kind of project manager who wants to be a virtual nomad? Do you have the right personality  to fit into the virtual worker mode?

With teams being spread all over the world these days, we are so tuned to working different hours   and within different cultures that being virtual doesn’t seem very bad an idea.

“We’re also seeing a spike for project management – up 70% for this skill set. If I’m hiring a team of remote workers, I’d like to be in control, but have someone to manage the project. Lots of start-ups are hiring teams of developers all managed by a single resource” -Source

Here’s the toolset you might need if you decide to make the switch:
•Skype – for all communication
•A Blackberry/i-phone/windows phone to stay connected
•An external hard drive
•A virtual back up system
•Google docs for online file sharing

If you have always wanted the fun, flexibility, freedom, escape the cubicle and didn’t want to take the risk to start your own business, being a virtual nomad is as close as you can get with a steady salary slip.

Want to see a company that works completely virtually, click here.

(Pic Courtesy)

Happy V-Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

If today’s all about heart, the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation couldn't be left far behind. 

CCF is a national, non-profit organization focused on pediatric cardiomyopathy, a chronic disease of the heart muscle. CCF is dedicated to accelerating the search for cures while improving diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life for children affected by cardiomyopathy.

What they do is amazing- they have successfully created a platform where parents, medical practitioners and friends and relatives can all come together and share and learn from each others experience. 

I have seen the emails- the pain, the troubles, the sleepless nights that the parents share and find strength in each other- its touching and sad to see the children go through so much when we adults take our lives and our “hearts” for granted. 

CCF was founded by Eddie Yu & Lisa Yue, parents who lost two young children to cardiomyopathy, CCF has grown over the years and is managed by a small staff and guided by a medical advisory board.  Today, CCF reaches out to more than 2,000 physicians and 1,500 families worldwide. 

Lisa Yue whom I have known for couple of years now and met in New York City is true to the cause as is her staff. 

The site is a center of knowledge about the disease from the medical glossary  to dealing with a losing child. 

So, to honor the cause- Ill be putting up the CCF logo on the side bar and if you wish, you can visit and support their cause: 
Making  a donation
Volunteering your time and skills  

(Disclosure: SIPM receives no monetary gain by putting up this post, this is not an affiliate link)

As a special giveaway this V-Day, @Samadaidane is giving away 1 ticket to the PM Telesummit- all you have to do is tweet about the event and include my twitter id @Soma_b, so I can track it down. One lucky winner will be chosen and announced on Feb 28.

Top Trends for BAs for 2011

Feb 10, 2011 | | 0 comments |
ESI has announced the top ten trends for Business Analysts for 2011.

Since Project managers and business analyst work hand in hand, this information might be useful to both.

•Business architecture will be the primary focus for business analysts
•Business analysis will guide the surge in cloud computing
•Requirements management and development will lead in delivering smart business perspective
•BPMN (Business process modeling notation) will solidify its reputations as the industry standard
•Agile success will go to those willing to break with tradition
•BAs will be recognized as critical to change management to avoid troubled projects.
•Resurgence of Centers of Excellence
•Requirements management and development will be essential to regaining market share
•Requirements management and development will continue to struggle to define itself
•Requirements management and development will require better balanced competencies

You can also see a series of youtube videos done by Glenn Brûlé, CBAP, CSM, Executive Director of Global Client Solutions at ESI International

If you were wondering how BAs use project management terminology at work, click here  for details.

If you are a BA and want to make the switch to Project Management, here are the sites you might want to consider for a taste:
Here’s a new Project Management Telesummit coming up and you can find details here.

Random facts about me- Pt 3

I have strange habits that I create for myself to repeat the pattern everyday, so it either makes me happy or the repetition puts me in a schedule that increases my efficiency.

•I always wake up to a cup of green tea or black coffee
•When I go through uncertainty about some decision I start meditating, it calms me down. It stays with me for months or weeks depending on my ongoing life and its schedule.
•I eat right when I am the busiest, for some reason schedules make me perform better in everything.
•I have a nightly routine that I hold on to- I read magazines and listen to music before I go to bed for at least half an hour. Magazines are mostly either “Fitness” or “Vogue”, something that inspires you but also relaxes the mind, nothing serious.
•I am more regular writing blog posts when I maintain my schedule of doing it every Sunday morning between 9-11am.
•I love food, try different cuisines and love to experiment with my taste bud and cooking skills. Chopping veggies de-stresses me and I usually cook after I come back home from work, takes away the stress! I love watching “Food Network”.
•I don’t watch a lot of Television but it’s usually on most of the time while I get around doing all other things. I love watching CSI, Greys Anatomy, Oprah, Bones, House and the likes.
•I read and I love reading. Last book I read is The Snowball (Warren Buffets Biography) by Alice Schroeder (finishes 2 days ago).
•I take risks, lots of them. I like change and new things in life- whether it’s a haircut or shuffling the interiors of my home.
•I am very emotional but rarely impulsive, I think five hundred times before making a decision.
•I love reading quotations; so much that I used to have 3 diaries dedicated to it since I was in college. I don’t write them down any more, but I still love them!
•If there’s a job alternative I would love to have is to travel and write. I love architecture and interiors as much as I love nature.
•I love to work. I like the interaction with people, observing people and putting my head down and getting something down.  I go cranky if I don’t work for too long.
•Things I absolutely must always have- internet and as Virginia Woolf said “a room of my own”.
•My friend circle is very small, close and connected and they inspire me everyday.
•Surprised by the fact that you can develop friendship with people over social media and without meeting them in person a lot.
•My ideal vacation would be by a sea side. Love beach and the casual ambience.

For more of my randomness, click here.

The Project Management Telesummit

Feb 2, 2011 | 0 comments |
If you still havent heard the news, Samad Aidane is organizing a Project Management Telesummit, a live, online “virtual” event, which will be held from March 8-10, 2011. It showcases real world leaders in project management, and the latest and best thinking practices.

Over 15 leading thinkers will participate for three days. It will cost less than $100 (US) to attend. Each day will have five one-hour presentations from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Pacific Time). All sessions will be recorded so that you may download and play them back at any time.

I think the fact that it curtails all travelling and booking and the hassles of leaving home and work is amazing. You can simply log on and listen from home or work and the downloaded version gi ves you the flexibility to tune in later as well.

The booking is on and you can buy a ticket for yourself or for your friend, co-worker, boss by simply clicking here  

Speakers include:
  • Rick Morris
  • Dana Brownlee
  • Jason Fair
  • Todd Williams
  • Traci Duez
  • Dr. Steven Flannes
  • Steve Martin, PMP, CSM
  • Geoff Crane
  • Peter Taylor
  • Tres Roeder
  • Richard B. Sheridan
  • Patricia Garofano
  • Bernardo Tirado
  • Brian Munroe
  • Dr. Margery Mayer
If you have questions you can send them to @samadaidane.

Face it, work it and let it go.

Jan 28, 2011 | | 0 comments |
I would love to live with 100 things.
My goal for this year is still on and I have put behind my anger, discomfort, rage, irritation and bad habits to nourish the goodness in me with the hope that with the riddance of all bad, the energy will be positive which can only help me grow on a personal and professional level.

I have realised that happiness is an essential factor at work, specially if you would like to climb the ladders. No one can put hours at work unless you really enjoy the work and the team you work with. And happiness doesnt knock on your door really, you create the path to make sure it does knock loud and clear!

My personal list is more compact and organized and include simple pleasures like having my morning cup of tea in the balcony or medidating everyday. I try to forgive my past and people who have wronged me than hold on to grudges.

I am working on getting rid off the hindrances that I had created for myself over the years.

"The opposite of fear is confidence. If you don't feel confident, can you name exactly what you are afraid of?"-@LLBrandenburg

Isnt this so true?

The end of January marks the end of the initiation for this new yea;r however its never late to dig up your own fear to face them and move forward.

(Pic Courtesy: Google Images)

Change is good

Jan 25, 2011 | 0 comments |
Life is always changing, and we all hope its for the good. Today, I am off to my new apartment and will take a while to set it up. So, till then keep yourself busy with some good read and happiness.
If you haven't tried our beta site here, here it is- free and professionals from all over the world available. 

Wake up happy

Jan 21, 2011 | | 0 comments |
Inspiration is an everyday thing and these sites are a great way to wake you up with inspiration, information and a feeling of being connected.

These are greatt stuff to learn from management sites but great stuff to learn from:

Communication- the "it" skill

The success to any business and perhaps career is the underrated art of communication.

Last week while visiting a jewelry shop, the experience was so good that I was amazed at how much I enjoyed spending the 40 minutes there. The rep was well trained and customized behavior towards their customers was marked by their growing business even during recession.

I had similar experience while shopping for a new refrigerator in Best Buy, the rep knowledgeable and personable stole the show.

Every client wants similar experience and we as project managers look forward to make sure our clients are here to stay.

Communication is not about transferring point A to point Z to another person; it’s about being there for your client, making your relation personable and making it an experience for the client.

This is one area where “you” can come alive. Observe mistakes committed by others and study the most successful project managers; most of them if you notice are unusually good at communications. 

Bring in your own style and you to the table and chances are you will emerge a winner.

Emotions- do they need hiding?

How expressive is your face? Can you hide- emotions, feelings, betrayal or sadness?

Does your emotions or display of emotions create problems at your job, your growth or your boss assessment of your maturity factor?

Emotions are natural for humans, so no matter which gender you belong to you have ample of it in you.

Yes emotions are considered negative feelings at work, something that shouldn’t dominate rationality and judgment based on facts.
So if you are standing under the same umbrella of overwhelming emotions, make sure you know what’s happening:

  • Know- Make sure you know you are going through some emotional time. It’s not wise to discuss personal emotional matters at work or with colleagues. You never know who will use what information to get ahead.
  • Measure- If you are feeling too much of emotions make sure you are in the right condition to go to work. While work can keep you busy and make you forget worries sometimes it can break you down as well.
  • Walk the line- The fine line of personal and professional needs maintaining. Don’t divulge or display emotional side of you unless required. It can work against you and can be used as instances where rational and objective decsion making is required.
  • Stop being a cry-baby- Don’t whine, if you have a problem- fix it. You will be applauded for it and noticed instead of whining all the time how you end up getting the problems in your life.
  • Solve it- Figure out what is the cause of the emotion and fix it. Talk with your mentor if its work related and dig deeper to know how you can navigate through it.
To understand more about emotions at work place, read here