Showing posts with label happiness at work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness at work. Show all posts

This is how I work

When do you wake up every day? What’s your alarm set to?
Right now somewhere between 7.30 am-8.00 am. I try to wake up naturally, I leave the curtains open for the sunlight to stream in. 

Tea or Coffee?
Recently switched to tea. I am usually a coffee person for that first cup in the morning.

Any rituals to set the tone for the day in the morning?
Water my plants and soak up the morning sun for a couple of minutes and some days write in my gratitude journal may be a line or two.

When do you feel most productive?
I have always been a night owl, recently I am trying to make some lifestyle changes and have been trying to feel inspired in the morning. Some days mornings work for me, sometimes old habits die hard.

Where do you work?
I have my dark wood compact desk set up in the bedroom by the window, I like the natural light and the corner of the room. The desk has enough space to keep my knick knacks on and storage for files. the window sill has few plants. My desk is pic 2, of course its a partial pic of the desk. I pair it up with a light brown leather swivel big chair that's comfortable enough to nap in :)

However, sometimes I will just work out of the couch while watching TV (at night) or at the dining table if I am trying to keep my laptop out of my 2 year old's reach. 

What are you reading currently?
The last book I read was Magical Thinking by Elizabeth Gilbert and that was a week ago. Right now, nothing specific. However every night I will browse through articles or blogs or anything that inspires me. Since I am trying to make my lifestyle much more positive and inspiring, I read on heath, food and being inspired and how it affects our well being and work style. 

As for work reading it really depends, it's is mostly on Agile or management. Last book I read was Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge. 

How do you keep things organized?
I carry a notepad and pen with me all the time. I like the feel of pen and paper, so sometimes I will use the notepad, sometimes just jot things down in my phone. I also use sticky notes a lot for my to do list for the day.

Any hack you prefer for work?
When I read books, I will usually use post it notes and mark the important things or pages, so years later if I have to refer it’s just easy than having to read the whole book again.

What are your favorite gadgets?
An old DELL laptop, Mac book air and an Iphone.

What apps can you not live without?
I have reduced my times spent on apps, however once in a while I will still pop in whatsapp to catch up with my friends. Evernote. Instagram. Twitter. Pinterest. That’s it. I do have more than required apps on my phone, I have been trying to reduce my time on them and focus more on myself. So far, it’s been a positive change. It was the most difficult of changes to make to not check phone every five minutes. 

Any new addition to your routines?
I get bored very easily, so I try to change my routines once a in a while. Recently it has been trying to work out (I use the office gym) on a regular basis. I think my best when I am working out or just out a for a walk alone. I have also been trying out inspiration boards and gardening J

How do you recharge?
Mostly by reading  (book or just browsing through interesting reads over the web, sometimes just Pinterest) or watching a good movie and ordering in and if possible a mini vacation. 

This post is inspired by Lifehacker posts on the same topic. Click here to know more.

(Pic courtesy: pic 1- Pinterest. Pic 2- my desk)

Being Inspired

Only 25 percent of job success is based upon IQ. Seventy-five percent is about how your brain believes your behavior matters, connects to other people, and manages stress.  Click for more 

To work at your best nothing is more required than feeling fresh and inspired, ready to take on the day. But in today’s world, the stress, the complexity of our lives and the constant urge for more means life is about the rat race and less about being grateful and enjoying the NOW.
Here are 5 tried and tested ways to feel inspired: 
  • Connect with nature- The moments you wake up and no matter how you feel, connect with nature. Stand by your window and breathe in the fresh air, take your cup of tea to the balcony even if it’s for a minute, get a bit of sunlight or go for a walk. I have started looking forward to my mornings and the positive feeling it brings. Here are 10 benefits of sunlight 
  • Hold on to the positivity- I use my journal to write may be a line or two. If you have the time, feel free to invest couple of minutes here. Reinforce the positivity- listen to good music, read good quotes- whatever makes you feel positive. “Happy thoughts and positive thinking, in general, support brain growth, as well as the generation and reinforcement of new synapses, especially in your prefrontal cortex (PFC), which serves as the integration center of all of your brain-mind functions”. Source here  
  • Create a positive routine- give yourself couple of minutes white getting ready for the day. Wear the color you want, have a cup of tea while you get ready, have a fruit, read/listen a good book. Positivity has rewire your brain and help you broaden your skill set.  
  • Create an inspiring space at work- well not all of us have the luxury to design our own work space at office but smaller changes do create a big impact. Keep things you will need to keep your work life organized, comfortable and inspiring- index cards, sticky notes, personal pictures, quotes, few knick knacks you can add, healthy snacks etc.
  • Come home to a happy space- which means you have to leave the home clean and organized in the mornings. Light a candle, put on music, plays with kids and have a flavorful dinner. Catch up on some reading or your favorite shows, go for a walk, watch the stars- be grateful for the day you have had.
In case you didn’t know happy employees have about 31% higher productivity, 37% higher sales, and three times higher creativity! 

(pic courtesy: Pinterest)

10 Ways to Bring Back Productivity in your Life

Today is your day! Start doing and stop waiting! Rose Hill Designs by Heather Stillufsen
  1. Stop Waiting- It’s never going to be perfect time for anything. So, stop waiting to ask for a raise, to try a new project, a blog, a hobby, launch of a new idea. Start it today and the thrill and positivity of starting something new to bring in the momentum you have been waiting   
  2. Create Routines- start creating routines that allow you to be positive or creative. It’s more like a mental cue that it’s your time now to be the best. Start your routine with a cup of tea or in silence or read good books whatever allows you to relax and focus. A positive happy start can be created even among difficult of times and this will allow you to work better.
  3. Stop Over Communicating- You don't have to reply to every Facebook post, or whats app chats, say no from joining multiple groups that stress you out or just put them on mute. You don't have to read how successful and happy the whole world is while you trying to sort your life out. We talk so much about the right amount of communication in projects but no one says, how to limit them in your real life. You will be more happy and focused when you stop over communicating and can handle the pressure to.
  4. Say No- It’s important to find yourself to be productive, so say a no to a group of friends who don’t add any value to your being, a lunch invitation when you would rather go for the walk, a drink after work or weekend brunch. Spend time where you find value, not others.
  5. Create Lists- its helps when you write it down, use apps, pen and paper whatever allows you to create the list. Use lists as much as possible and it not only allows remembering items; it’s also a great feeling when you check them off.
  6. Create a Positivity Diary- A notebook, diary, and scrapbook whatever suits your soul. Try writing positive thoughts, quotes, store pictures, magazine cut outs anything that makes you feel great. Sometimes during the days when things aren’t in the right place, this is a great place to revisit and out your thoughts in place.
  7. Have Me Time- Always, no matter how busy you are. I try it to wrap up my day with my time. You can use it whenever you want- mornings, during lunch break, weekends.... plan it your way, read a journal you have wanted to read for a while, whip up a new dish, order some new books, be mindless and enjoy the rain. Relaxing allows you to sustain your pace of work and focus. 
  8. It’s okay to Fail- Don’t focus on failing even before you start. We all have bad days even when everything was planned. Don’t think about what happens if I start a blog and no one reads, what if I take an initiative and its turned down, what if I don’t get the raise. You will be surprised at how many times; all it takes is to ask. 

  9. Take Breaks- Taking breaks is always recommended it keep the focus on your work. Use the Pomodoro technique or just take breaks- go for walks, get a cup of tea, use the stairs, 30 minutes in your office gym and then get back to work. If possible plan a vacation.You will be amazed at how much more you can do when you are fresh and feeling great. 
  10. Be You- If you are trying to fake it till you make it that’s great. However, always be you because no one is you and that’s your power. Don’t be afraid to ask a question, raise a point or participate in a discussion. Being you is sometimes freeing specially when its appreciated.

(Picture Courtesy: Pinterest)

Fish Philosophy

Dec 2, 2013 | | 1 comments |
Last week  I spoke in Agile Tour Hyderabad, traveled for work and came back home with fever and cold.
2 days later I was happily back at office though still sick. Loving what you do is the best way to keep yourself inspired.

If you are into project management, read 6 things you should know about being one 

I think so much has been said about the fish philosophy already, there’s not really much to say about it. The core belief is perhaps the same: enjoy the work you do and be involved in it because it shows.

It’s much easier to spot people who don’t like what they do than it’s to spot people who don’t enjoy their work. And no matter what you are, unless you enjoy your work, you will find it increasingly difficult to inspire others.

Given below is a short video of the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, spot their energy, love of work and their unique ways to keep onlookers happy and involved.

7 Tips: When travelling for work

Sep 16, 2013 | | 1 comments |

Travelling can be fun unless you are doing it way too much.

I still love it and the challenges it brings with it, over the past few months I have learnt the art of  packing mostly over terrible mistakes.

  • Always pack in your own shampoo- The hotel shampoo might leave your hair so limp that you wished you had your own.
  • Always have an extra pair of clothes in your handbag/backpack- I keep one in my laptop backpack just in case my luggage doesn't arrive. 
  • Travel Light- I carried more than I should initially, now I just pack right most of the time.
  • Keep a list- It helps every time.
  • Be comfortable- I carry one thing with me that will make me comfortable and keep me relaxed: a magazine, iPod, a good book.
  • Try local cuisine- This is my favorite part of travelling, I might not get the time to try out sight seeing always but at least I get to try the food.
  • Learn everyday- There's so much to learn by just observing people or while travelling. We get used to the same set of people so much that a change while travelling gives us a better opportunity to learn when we travel.
So, while I'm leaving for the airport in the next 30 minutes- I hope you get the chance to travel and say yes to it!

5 steps to be amazing at your job

Some people just are better than others and you know it!

Here are 5 ways to be amazing at whatever you do and show it too:Try to be content- Your first job might be to pay the bills, down the line find ways to look into what really makes you happy at work.

  •  Try to be content- Your first job might be to pay the bills, down the line find ways to look into what really makes you happy at work. Move into domains that you think are a better fit and then work on it. Content will come from your happiness at work . Turns out 41% of people think “the people” are most important factor as part of their happiness in job
  • Take genuine interest- You empower yourself by taking genuine interest in your work. Don’t restrict yourself only to your current role; look around how you can help the team, organization and take up the initiative. In the process you will learn, start thinking out of the box and be recognized for your interest.  And the morning routine sometimes helps too
  • Be good at what you do- To feel amazing, take the right steps when coming to work everyday. Come prepared, do your homework, get the facts right and be unbiased.  Try out some of these productivity secrets
  • Be social- Keeping your head down and getting the work done isn't always wise. By being social and building a good rapport with your team members and stakeholders, you make yourself visible and easy to work with. Here are 10 tips to be happy at work.  
  • Good communication- being clear about communicating the right things at the right time helps. A good communicator isn't just about being vocal, it is also abut developing your communication skills to the extent that you can customize it for different individuals. Every person has their preferred mode of communication and what convinces them (some stakeholders like data, some prefer bringing up similar case studies, some like formal presentations and report), use your knowledge about  a person to customize it for your communication plan.

Be inspired everyday and be happy. A happy project manager, makes  a happy team!

(Pic courtesy: Google images)

To learn about project management read my book Stepping into Project Management (Welcome to the #PMOT World). To connect with experienced Project Manager's from all over the world, get mentored or shadow for a day see the SIPM Community.

Office politics: whats your position?

Office politics is a relative term.

The one receiving the benefits always believes that politics never happened; he/she got the justice. The one on the other end has a different story to tell.

So, which side of office politics are you in? Or should you be part of it at all?

  • Is politics evil? - As a professional, you have 4 types of needs and more then often you will need alliances to build up your case, move to the next project, get sponsored and mostly get things done. Politics generally has a negative connotation unless you have used it to your benefit. Most professionals who are successful at what they do, are stakeholders or simply leaders have worked their way up, made themselves visible- is not only by the sheer power of their work, it’s also by getting a lot of help and support. And that takes time to build.  So, what is politics really?
  • Whom should you trust?- Are you allowed to have a real friend in office? How much information and personal life should you share? You know social networks use your information, so does  HR. Plus most of the information you share with your work friends might be shared with their office friends or simply used when the friendship goes sour. So, the best idea would be to be careful and not share anything that can be used against you to get leverage. 
  • You are at the receiving end of the smear campaign- All it takes is a small event to trigger off smear campaigns. So make sure, who you comment about and what you say. Plus as long as you are in office premises, don’t let your guard down even if it’s office parties. 
  • Power struggle- Politics is simply being part of power struggle and office politics is inevitable. No matter how much we try to stop it, it never will be. 
  • Positioning yourself- The ultimate goal whether you want to be part of office politics or not is to position yourself visibly. You want to keep an ethical and honest impression at your work place. Keep an eye on everyone and keep yourself safe from being portrayed negatively for others benefit. To reap the benefits, look into the organizational structure and people who are influential and have a positive impression and associate with them. Beware of being around people who are known to have negative impacts; it takes very little to turn tables against you. 

My New Years Resolution- And How I kept It

This is my first. And I thought I’ll share it with you.

In all these years, I have made umpteen resolutions, written about it, scribbled on books, index cards, made notes to self and somewhere down the road I have dropped them and never gotten back.

This year was different. I didn't have any resolutions. Not one.

It's February of course now and so far I am on track. Breaking resolutions is so common that I think we have stopped feeling guilty about it. We make resolutions that we know will get us off the track at some point.

So, here’s how I stuck with it this year:

  • I didn't make any resolutions- that way I didn't put any pressure on me to succeed. 
  • I went for basics- I just wanted to be happy. Every day I decided what would make me happy and just went with it. Some days I read, some days I looked into new certifications, some days I went for a walk. I want to wake up happy. 
  • I kept doing things if I liked it- I never forced myself to exercise, if I didn't want to do it I didn't  Instead I just walked within my apartment or did 3 crunches. 
  • I stopped waiting- For things to happen obviously, I started moving around more. So, I disconnected by cable, with no TV shows I had to step out for air. If I really wanted to watch something, I did via internet and that took time to hook up and then connect my laptop to the big screen TV and then watch it. Too much trouble, instead I just went out for a stroll. Plus I took the meaningless chatter out of my head.
  • I look for peace- I did through books, my strolls and tried to center myself. I sit quietly for 5 minutes, do some very basic yoga when I can and get back to my normal life.
  • I used technology to its very minimum- I own a weighing machine for the last 5 years. I rarely weigh myself now, I do it may be once a week to keep a track otherwise my jeans does the rest :) Oh and I use an iPhone app called “Lose It” (the free version) to keep a track of the food that I eat. You can use a food journal. I have used it before and then stopped using it because I don’t like the idea of writing down everything I eat.  After a while I really wanted to know what was going in my tummy and I got back to it. Just because I have to log it, I try to eat right. 
  • I don’t punish myself- I make cakes and eat them too but only when I have company. I don’t make cakes for me anymore. And I parcel the rest for takeaway. When I fall off the wagon, I don’t criticize me anymore I accept that I am human. I get back to my new lifestyle from the next minute not the next day. Because tomorrow never comes
  • I've made by peace with failure- I have failed too often to know I will be fine even if I fail. So, when I do things I feel uncomfortable with; I am ok. I know I have failed and I know I don’t want to fail. So, I stop thinking about it, I go read something or write a blog post and forget about it. It’s OK to fail.
  • I move- I try to. I take the extra initiative to clean up the kitchen, organize my wardrobe, arrange my book shelf, find those family albums, index the DVD’s- anything that doesn't allow me to sit. If you get tired, take a 5 minute break and then get back to it. Moving is a habit for me, more I do it, easier it becomes.
  • I don’t want to lose weight- I don’t. More I attach numbers to my goals, more the pressure is. I want to be healthy and happy. So, I keep to the basics and try to add something new to it once in a while if I want to. This is the best year I have had so far, because I am at peace with myself. I have stopped comparing myself with others, I have stopped looking at how green the grass is on the other side and I just look at me.
  • Create a positive environment- Do something that gives you happiness everyday. Connect with people, write a blog post  find a good supportive system for yourself. When I moved to this city (Hyderabad, India), I didn't really know a soul, didn't have any friends and I missed mine in States. I had really bad days, so I finally decided enough is enough and I have to find a solution to it. I started my own group through meetup ( and found similar minded people who soon enough became friends. We go for outings together as a group, we have members from different walks of life and profession, we get to learn from each other,watch movies, share some laughter and even do a picnic. Stop waiting, coz no one’s coming to help you unless you want to help yourself.
  • Do it for you- not because everyone else is doing it. Only when you are ready, want to try or you know it’s time- go for it. One change, any change, a small change will do!
Ultimately be happy and help someone today, it will give you some happiness and peace.

(Pic Courtesy: Google Images)

To learn more about project management read my book Stepping into Project Management (Welcome to the #PMOT World). To connect with experienced Project Manager's from all over the world, get mentored or shadow for a day see the SIPM Community.

Burned Out?

This morning when he called for the 100th time I decided to pick up the call. I have pretty much ignored it for the entire last week and a half.

I just didn’t want to talk.

The moment I picked up the call, things were like it used to be. I had to ask him why he was calling me and he said it- it was the burn out that was killing him. He wasn’t as inspired as he used to feel.

He had pulled all nighters and rolled himself out to be walked over with expectations and more work and he pretty much volunteered for it all.

I knew how it felt; I had been there and done that. I worked twice the regular hours, worked in 2 time zones, constantly checked my blackberry even in the middle of sleep, slept for less than 6 hours a day, ate lunch at desk and felt very important doing it all. I loved my life, my work life!

Till I pretty much felt like a Zombie; that’s when I decided it was time to reconnect with myself. So, I quit.

Listening to the same story over the call, made me just think how much employees go through and don’t know when to stop.

Some just can’t face the fact that they are going through a problem and there’s no way to love your job as dearly as you did. Few, go through it with their hatred for the job soaring.

Studies estimate that stress costs US businesses up to $300 billion dollars in lost productivity each year. In a Business Week article, Marissa Mayer talks about finding the rhythm, to avoid the burnout. It boils down to one activity that you think is the anchor of your sanity. Like meeting your friends for a Friday night dinner or attending parent teacher meets for working parents.

Turns out there are 4 stages of burn out and it’s a common scenario for all kind of jobs.

Katy Cowan, in her article in The Guardian talks about the physical, emotional, behavorial signs to take as cue before you have the actual breakdown. New hobbies, putting technology way once in a while and learning to switch off and take breaks are the few ways to get back to your regular self.

Taking a creative sabbatical surely is one way and some people are more serious about it than others. Designer Stefan Sagmeister is one of them and he takes it regularly closing his New York based design studio.

Stress might be the predecessor to a burn out, so make sure you know how to identify one.

So, here are 5 ways to combat it:

  • Stop ignoring the symptoms- You will always know when you are leaning towards it, just make sure, you don’t ignore the signs and think it will all go away. It won’t until you take some actions for it.
  • Talk it out aloud- Call a friend and talk about what you are going through. Unburdening yourself helps and smaller suggestions when reinforced over time will help you convince yourself to take the break.
  • Find time to do what you like the best- It’s probably the rhythm, make time to travel, paint, call your best friend or whatever it is you like doing. Just find the time to do it and don’t underestimate the influence of a positive work environment. 
  • Me time- Every single day, find time or a routine just for yourself. Even if it’s for 5 minutes, still stick to it. Go for a walk after dinner by yourself or watch your favourite show.
  • Get back when you are ready- Some will admit it, some wont; this is a common phase unless you know how to handle it. Break your routine and induce some freshness. Sooner than later, you will be back on your feet and happy to live in the Now.
Pic Courtesy: Google Images

The connection

Jobs, success, ambition, failure are all connected in some form or the other.

If you have noticed, I haven’t posted for a bit. In usual circumstances I leave a note with my return date. 

This happened suddenly, a block where I simply stopped writing. I would wake up everyday and think today will be the day and as the day went by I realised I didn’t want to write. Then a sudden emergency that took me away from I loved doing the most.

Of course, I have also been dabbling with a few ideas and it all seemed fun. It was rightful to get back to the blog, specially this month where I complete 4 years of blogging. Yay!

While reading for the last few weeks; I came across this that that most people as much as people hate failure, are also scared of success.

Who knew?

Well turns out there a lot of reasons why people fear success. It can come from their past experience

I think the main question here is to understand how you react to what:
  • What success means for you?
  • What do you relate with success?
  • Do those relations make you happy or fearful?
  •  If fearful, what are you thinking of?
  •  Is there a way you can get out of the mindset?
  • What do you really want from life?

It isn’t very difficult to understand what you are going through. Take some bold decisions based on what you think you should be doing and get along with it.

If you sort it out now, things will be much easier to sort out later in your career. By the way, did you know that Tuesday is the most productive day at work?

So, step up your game today and lotsa luck!

y the way, there's lots of interesting stuff coming up- the new e-book (Handbook for Stepping into Project Management) and what I am doing with my life now, my new public speaking life, a new study (pics coming soon), the "coffee break series" ready to make a comeback and what I have been thinking.

Stay tuned.

(Pic Courtesy: Google Images)

Actors- Should we imitate them?

"Once in a while, you have to take a break and visit yourself."
                                                                -Audrey Giorgi

We should be like actors.

We should have the liberty to choose our own projects.

We should have the luxury to take the time off to grow and connect with ourselves and others.

And we rarely have the time to do any of the above.

We just grab the next best offer (or job) that comes our way and sometimes it clicks, sometimes it doesn’t. And that’s when the problem begins- the unfulfillment of putting in hours without the satisfaction that we expected. Of course, there’s the money involved.

Our role in our job should align to our goal that we have set for ourselves.

If you are a project management professional living under years of pressure and worries, when was the last time you connected to yourself?

So, why disconnect from what we do- what we chose to do and what we love doing?

If all the happiness was derived from the job, then why do so many professionals start their own consulting firms, their blogs that grow into business, the books, the papers?

We as individuals have so much to offer, the desire to be challenged and the satisfaction of getting it done and influencing people. Why do we have the need to feel important with awards, more traffic to the website, displaying the subscriber list, hosting webinars, giving up full time jobs to follow the dream? What are really looking for?

Or is it just bad talent management?

It’s all about being more “you” and keeping it intact, it's about creating self identity that is not solely dictated by the organization we work for.

To keep on creating and progressing with or inner self, we use different strategies- we take sabbaticals, quit jobs, work on a side project, start a business and look for business partners.

By the way, did you know Harvard University first developed a sabbatical program in 1880 and if you are planning your own sabbatical here’s something to look at.

Most people during their sabbatical find out more about themselves , add new skills or simply bond with loved ones because having a real career and keeping it up is a tough job and sometimes a break is a breather to focus back on what you want to do, to re-evaluate your priorities and get going.

Believing in yourself is also directly related to your bank account according to a University of Florida study and there’s nothing wrong in looking for a dream job.

So, instead of opting for the next job, maybe we should have the option to choose our next project- to work in a domain we have been thinking or find and work with an expert and learn something worthwhile along with making money.

Why can’t we be like actors and choose our projects, complete one and move on to the next? Why linger on with jobs instead of being on the faster track of learning better? Why get stuck with the team that we are thrown into and not have the liberty to choose the team we want to work with?

Why should the actors have all the luck?

(Pic courtesy: Google Images)

Book Review- Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Motivation and manipulating office scenarios are as important as your project management skills.
Getting my hands on Overcoming Imposter Syndrome made me realise how important is it and how most of us (if not all) have encountered it at some point in my life.

This 84 page e-book has been a soul revealing experience. To know that you are not alone and it’s a psychological trait that most people go through is comforting. It’s packed with information and is extremely well researched.

 “Imposter Syndrome is not a medical condition. It is a term for the feeling you have when you believe that you do not really know what you are doing.” 
                                                       -Elizabeth Harrin,  author.    

It’s the act of not being able to measure up to yourself and the feeling of being a fraud. The 5 symptoms of Imposter Syndrome are explained in the initial chapters. She also provides with a checklist test that identifies whether you have suffered from Imposter Syndrome and I guess it’s rather tough to not fall in the group.

I especially liked Geoff Cranes story and it’s so true on what we do in reality. How every single good work we do, is always because of some other reason.  

Section 1 is all about the Imposter Syndrome- what and how.

Section 2 is all about overcoming the syndrome and the author gives 10 ways to get it done.

Along with the book comes the elaborate action plan- the to do of course to get over your syndrome if you have figured out through the 84 pages that you have one too,

Who should read this Book?
 If you feel you earn more than you deserve- oh yeah, have you ever felt that? You get more than you are worth, that someday someone will figure out you are not worth your salary.
  • If you always have someone else to thank for your success- If you think if you are not responsible for your success. If you can’t take compliments and are embarrassed hearing about it because you know you are really not worth it.
  •  If you are always unsure about yourself and your capability- When everyone is better than you, you feel inferior and incompetent.

 Why should you read this book?

  •  So, you know you are not alone and of you identify your problem.
  •  Plus you get tons of information here, which will allow you to successfully overcome it.
  • That it happens to a lot of people and its not a disease, just work on it!

What’s the price and where can I find it?
You can find it here (Disclosure: This is an affiliate link)
 Price: 8 Pounds.                                                                                                                                           

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!

This year starts the beginning of the SIPM Business Group

As you know the beta site is doing really well and was built with the help of volunteers- all of them my friends, I always wanted to do more with the site so more people know about project management first hand. Maintaining a site and keeping up with it (adding new features) requires a lot of time and some money.

So, the SIPM Business Group was born.

The Business Group offers three packages and customized work- we work with small and medium businesses including start ups.

The money of course allows me to pay my friends and volunteers who have been with me for so long and at the same time grow the beta site. By the way, the beta site got a new name- it’s called CONNECT- The SIPM Community.

The Business Group offers:
  • Branding through social media
  • Search Engine Optimization (both on page and off page)
  • Customized website development (including design)

The special offers are posted through twitter.

January- February, we have a $350 on page optimization option for 60 working days. For more information, you can email at

And if everything goes right, the newbies can work on the project management side with their mentors for the SIPM Business Group projects. So many of the newbies say they don’t get the chance to work on project management to try their hands and develop skills- this initiation hopefully will solve some of it and provide everyone with a stepping stone.

You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t

make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and

then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.—Maya Angelou

I hope this year brings in lots of luck, good opportunities and amazing work to you all.

Honest Confessions

Being honest isn’t easy.

When I started this blog, I wanted everyone to know the hurdles and the real life story of what happens every day.

I have been honest but there are times when you tend not to write about the truth- the horrible days, the irritating moments and the failures. When you are aware that the blog is being read, you don’t want to feel vulnerable and to protect your work identity and private details, you skip it.

But here am I, someone who promised to tell the truth, don’t want to be miles away from the truth as well.

I have had bad days like most of us, really bad days at work- when someone doesn’t get the point, takes advantage of me being polite, back stabs you for not getting what they want, sabotages your projects just because they want to and hate you for you-can’t-figure it out. It’s all part of the game.

It’s all alright as long as you can take it or if it happens for a few days and you have managed it well. Mentors can be great assets during this time period, especially if you have in-house mentors. However, there will be always days, when nothing gets solved, you feel horrible, feel belittled and feel you are in the wrong place.

Team building and management is an art and when they don’t follow certain aspects of life, work life can becomes as stressful as it sounds.

Stress, deadlines, projects can all be handled if you have a great team and good support system at work. When it doesn’t, stop blaming yourself- you can do so much with your life.

Pick up your life and get going, get another certification, look for your next job, write the perfect resume and don’t blame yourself for not being the right fit. Sometimes, it’s just not about you!

Want to read up on what great project managers do, download the collection of interviews that happened in the blog by clicking here  (its free).

Pic Courtesy: Google Images

Wake up happy

Jan 21, 2011 | | 0 comments |
Inspiration is an everyday thing and these sites are a great way to wake you up with inspiration, information and a feeling of being connected.

These are greatt stuff to learn from management sites but great stuff to learn from:

What makes you happy PM's?

This post is not about project management.

This is about happiness, so this Monday you are ready for the week and smiling!

So, I asked you What makes you happy PM's? Other than meeting deadlines...a good book n coffee/movie/ close grp brunch/sunday newspaper makes me smile.

Yes, it does.

The job, blogging, keeping up with my reading list, SIPM all keeps me busy and to the point that sometimes I don’t feel very inspired in my everyday life. When things just become items in my schedule and happiness seems far away, I try something new to bring it back.

Talking to the people I respect and being sincere about the problems I am facing I think automatically brings in a new perspective for me, calling up my friends and talking silly and nothing about project management is relaxing, going out for a walk and enjoying it, listening to good music, having a chocolate or a cup of tea and a good book that inspires is nice. I also like visiting grocery stores for inspiration to whip up a new dish or go completely crazy and color my hair a brownish red.

I always don’t plan out everything when I take a break; I think randomness brings out a different side to everyone.

Enough of what I do, what makes you happy? Here is what does for Elizabeth Harrin.

To read more about happiness, try this and this.